Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Book Review on "Raising Godly Tomatoes" by L. Elizabeth Krueger

In Titus chapter two, there are commands given to five different groups of people: older men, older women, young men, young women, and servants. In a blog for fathers, this may seem a little odd, but we are going to focus on what it says to the women. There are things that fathers can glean about raising children and being godly husbands.

Titus 2:3-5  "The aged women likewise...That they may teach the young women their children, to be...keepers at home..."

First, by implication we can see that our wives need our leadership and support in their difficult task or raising your children. Second, we learn that the less experienced younger person should listen to and even seek to be taught by the more wise and experienced older person. There is a lot we do not know. It is sinful pride to think we know so much that teaching is not necessary. The Bible itself tells us that our wives need to be taught how to love and raise their children. If our wives need to be taught what comes naturally to them, how much more do we fathers need to be taught what does not come as naturally to us?

About a year ago, shortly after I finally decided to get serious and do whatever it takes to raise my children in a way that honors God, I read a book called "Raising Godly Tomatoes: Loving Parenting With Only Occasional Trips to the Woodshed" by L. Elizabeth Krueger. I read it, then I re-read it, and now I am reading it for a third time. It is written by a mother of ten children primarily to mothers of small children. As a father I will say that it is just as helpful to fathers as it is to mothers. Mrs Krueger uses the Bible as she dispenses wise and experienced advice and cuts through all of the nonsense and gets to the hearts of both children and and parents. The central tenets are: God has put the parents over the children and not the other way around, be consistent, keep your children close to you and know what they are doing, and go to the child's heart and the behavior will follow.

This book has changed my family's life for the better in practical ways second only to the Bible. Read this book. It will not take you long because it is hard to set down. Then give it to your wife to read. Or, better yet, read it with her.

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